We are facilitating your search for high-quality healthcare, shortening waiting times and offering you the best treatment modalities at affordable prices.

We have the vision to be a reliable and professional service provider by prioritizing honesty and transparency.

We provide connections with well-experienced aesthetics and plastic surgery clinics, dental treatment services, and ophthalmologists.

Connect you with trusted and certified health care providers.

Many expert doctors, surgeons, experienced patient care teams are ready for supporting your health.

Pulsation Health is a medical tourism company that was established in the United Kingdom. Partnered with leading private hospitals and clinics in Turkey, mostly in Istanbul, we are able to provide private medical treatment of the highest quality, at a lower cost than what is available to the general public. We are facilitating your search for high-quality healthcare, shortening waiting times and offering you the best treatment modalities at affordable prices. Our contracted specialists, clinics and hospitals growing progressively. Many expert doctors, surgeons, experienced patient care teams are ready for supporting your health. We will connect you with trusted and certified health care providers only. Our partners are accredited clinics. Patient privacy our primary concern and all transactions will be definitely confidential and never shared with third parties. All of our partners will be listed with photos, prices, reviews and accreditations. You would be in contact with the clinic staffs directly. Our primary mission after getting your inquiry, find a personalized quote from a high-quality specialist. Each quote will include a detailed treatment plan, package ingredients and exact costs.


Rhinoplasty: A nose job, or rhinoplasty, reshape the nose, bringing it into balance with the rest of the face.

Facelift: Facelift operation, which is performed without surgery, aims to remove wrinkles resulting from aging or fatigue and obtaining distinctive results giving the face a more youthful appearance.

Liposuction: A surgical procedure that suctions fat from specific areas of the body to provide a slimmer and shapelier silhouette.

Abdominoplasty: Commonly known as a tummy tuck or a lower body lift, abdominoplasty removes excess skin from the abdominal area and tightens the skin that remains.

Breast Augmentation: Surgery is done for many reasons, to enlarge both breasts, to replace a breast that is absent or to make asymmetrical breasts equal in size.

Breast Reduction: A woman’s breast reduction surgery is one of the few plastic surgeries that insurance does pay for routinely, as the benefits go far beyond an improved appearance.

Gynecomastia: Gynecomastia is a surgical procedure in which the breast form and its elasticity is restructured after being lost due to many factors including weight gain and decrease in short periods, or due to enlarged sebaceous glands.


You will be able to resolve all the causes of your hair loss through a combination of different type of treatments. Hair transplantation is considered as the most efficient method for the capillary reconstruction. It offers a durable result, completely natural via a relatively simple procedure. These days this method is accessible for everybody.

HAIR TRANSPLANTATION WITH FUE METHOD: The back and the side areas of the head are not touched genetically by the hair loss. Hair transplantation is a simple surgical operation where the surgeon extracts follicles of hair that are not sensible to the DHT hormones in the donor area (part between the neck and the ears) and re-implants them in the bald area. The hair that comes from the donor area will follow their genetic program and grow throughout the entire patient’s life. Hair transplant offers a perfectly natural appearance. Hair transplant is the best solution for baldness. Hair transplant nowadays is being processed with different methods. The old fashion method is FUT, where a strip of the skin is removed from the back of the scalp, and the hair gets separated from the strip and implanted in the bald area, this method has a few inconveniences, like leaving a wide scar on the back of the scalp where the hair doesn’t grow on it and rests visible to the eye, in addition this method is painful and lasts too long that the follicles can lose their life before getting implanted. (Follicle Unit Extraction) is used in hair transplantation since 2004 without any necessary surgical intervention. The grafts of follicular individual units are harvested one by one with a special instrument called micro motor, at Contracted Hospital we use a titanium micro motor punch with a 0.6 diameter with the lowest speed (10 turns per second), which doesn’t leave any trace at the back of the scalp since its very thin and doest destroy the grafts while harvesting them since it is very slow.

The Benefits of FUE Over FUT
  • No scar at the back of the scalp - decreased pain and healing time
  • Higher density (55 grafts per cm)
  • Control of the hair direction
  • Natural and undetectable look
  • Higher number of implants 4000 in one session


Dental implants: A tooth implant is an artificial tooth replacement. Made from titanium, an implant is well tolerated by bone and fuses with bone tissue. Aim of teeth implants surgery is to attain a close contact between the outer surface of the implant and the encompassing bone tissue so they are osseointegrated together. As a result strong support for the new teeth is achieved.

Dental veneers: You might have heard Dental veneers or porcelain veneers term at your dentist’s office when explaining about a cosmetic treatment. It is normal if you don’t understand the term but it is very important to know all the details related to it before having any treatment. Dental veneers or porcelain veneers are very thin and costume made shells for teeth designed and used to improve your teeth appearance and make it more beautiful by covering the surface of the tooth. These shells (veneers) are confined to the front of the tooth changing their colours, size, or even length.

Teeth whitening: Teeth naturally darken with age, however staining may be caused by various foods and beverages such as coffee, tea and berries, smoking, or a trauma to a tooth. There are a couple of methods to do tooth whitening but professional bleaching method is the most usual one of tooth whitening. First, your dentist will put a rubber or gel on your gums to protect it from any ingredient that might hurt. Then, your dentist will put the whitening product on your teeth using a professional tool that fits into your mouth just like a mouthguard. When the active ingredient in the whitening product ( hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide) breaks down, it gets into the tooth’s enamel and starts whitening your tooth. It is very important to consult your dentist before starting your teeth whitening process because he/she can decide whether you’re suitable for treatment or not.

Dental fillings: Many people suffer from decay every once in a while and this decay may cause serious health problems and damage to the teeth and leave very small holes (cavity) in the tooth. Thus, when a dentist removes decay from teeth it must be filled not to be exposed to germs. To treat the cavity your dentist must first remove the decay and then start filling the area where decays removed from. Fillings can also be used to repair and treat broken teeth or teeth that have been through different damages.


Cataract treatment: In cataract treatment, the natural lens is removed by microinsicion phacoemulsification and replaced with an artificial lens called intraocular lens. The lenses used in cataract surgeries are basicly two groups: monofocal intraocular lens is the first group, the patient sees long sight well but shall use short-sighted glasses. Trifocal intraocular lenses, known as Smar t Lenses are the second group. The patient can see all distances including long, short sight, and the intermediate distances. The age, occupation and expectations of the patients are important in lens selection. FFA (Fundus Fluorescein Angiography) and OCT optic tomography are important diagnostic tests to diagnose patients needing the treatment.

Retinal detachment: Retinal detachment is serious disease that causes visual loss. It may occur at any age. If not treated urgently, it may cause partial or complete vision loss. Retinal detachment is the separation of the layer of pigment epithelium below the retinal nerve layer. It is most commonly seen on patients with high myopia. Argon laser is essential for the treatment of retinal tears. Early diagnosis and treatment of retinal tears is extremely important. Symptoms of retinal tears are light flashes and flying objects. If these symptoms occur, a retinal check must be done as soon as possible. Vitrectomy surgery is necessary if retinal detachment develops. The surgical method can vary depending on the number of retinal tears that cause retinal detachment, the size, the location, and the length of retinal detachment.

Excimer laser: Excimer Laser is the surgical method used in the treatment of myopia, astigmatism and hypermetropia. According to the degree of visual impairment, the transparent corneal layer on the eye is reshaped with the Excimer Laser to get cleer vision.

What are the treatment methods with Excimer Laser ?

  • No touch laser
  • Femto lasik (i-lasik)

Oculoplasty and blepharoplasty: Oculoplasty involves eyelid and lachrymal duct diseases. Oculoplastic surgery offers a better esthetical appearance for patients and also contribute to better visual function and visual quality. Catheter treatment for congenital duct problems during babyhood era, surgical treatment to improve congenital or acquired lid-drop problems, surgical approaches to lachrymal duct problems (dacryocystorhinostomy), blepharochalasis, surgeries for eyelid ectropion and entropion, surgeries for eyelid shape dysfunctions, eyelid tumour surgeries, surgeries to solve the problems sourcing from eyelashes.

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